The latest Qpedia Thermal eMagazine has just been released and can be downloaded at:
This month’s featured articles are:
Pin-Fin Heat Sink Performance Under Air Jet Impingement
This paper summarizes the research on pin fin heat sinks under single confined jets, conducted by El-Sheikh and Garimella, and the study of pin fin heat sinks under single free jets, completed by Issa and Ortega Their experimental tests shows that the thermal performance of pin fin heat sinks behave similarly under some circumstances and act differently under some other configurations for confined jet impingement and free jet impingement. For engineers, this has implications for their use of jet impingement as a cooling method.
The Challenges of TIM Selection in Today’s Demanding Electronics Cooling Environment
With ever hotter running devices, users often rely quite heavily on thermal interface material (TIM) to provide an added factor in obtaining the margins that they require to meet product qualification. Thus, TIM continues to play a critical role in todays electronics environment, proving a viable heat conductive medium between the silicon heat source and the heat dissipating device, and serving to decrease the thermal resistance between chip and heat sink. This paper explores some of the test approaches undertaken by researchers with regard to TIM and why users must be particularly careful in selecting TIM.
Industry Developments: Cooling Automotive Electronic Control Units
As the numbers of ECUs increase, so do their design differences and the complexity of their software. And, as more operators and passengers rely on ECUs for a better driving experience, designers and OEMs must ensure that their performance lives up to expectations. In this piece, the writer explores the various thermal challenges facing ECUs.
Technology Review: Cold Plates 2010 to 2012
Qpedia continues its review of technologies developed for electronics cooling applications. We are presenting selected patents that were awarded to developers around the world to address cooling challenges. After reading the series, you will be more aware of both the historic developments and the latest breakthroughs in both product design and applications.
This release marks the final issue of Volume 6. Qpedia has now published 72 issues and 288 articles in 6 volumes and hardbound book sets. Thank you to the editors and guest contributors who have spent countless hours researching, writing, and sharing their technical expertise with the engineering community. We are proud to be the only monthly publication dedicated to the thermal management of electronics.
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