Air Jet Impingement “How To” Technical Library

Jet Impingement Cooling You’ve arrived at the page to download your free Air Jet Impingement “How To” Library. Our team at ATS has bundled technical resources on air jet impingement cooling and deploying it for system and board level thermal management applications.  Our “How To” library was developed specifically for thermal management professionals considering air jet impingement cooling.

Click on the following links to download these important resources:

  1. What is Air Jet Impingement Cooling and How is it Applied to the Thermal Management of Electronics (part 1 of 2)
  2. What is Air Jet Impingement Cooling and How is it Applied to the Thermal Management of Electronics (part 2 of 2)
  3. Single Phase Micro-Jet Air Jet Impingement Cooling Using Multiple Micro Jets
  4. Air Jet Impingement Cooling: A Practical Application using ATS’s Therm-Jett Technology


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