Day 1 of ATS’s team at Nijmegen Vierdaagse Four Days Walk!

As we blogged about on June 11, “ATS walks the 94th International Four Days Marches for UNICEF” our team is up, has walked and has the blisters to prove it!

ATS’s team of Dr. Kaveh Azar, President/CEO, Sharon Koss, VP of Operations, and Norbert Engelberts, Director of ATS-Europe BV, are proudly partaking in the International Four Day Marches Nijmegen (or Vierdaagse).  This is the largest marching event in the world. Since 1916, participants of this historic event walk 160 kilometers through the Netherlands. Over the course of 4 days, participants walk 40 k per day through the cities of Elst, Wijchen, Groesbeek, and Cuijk.

Today was Elst Day, or day one. Each day is named after the largest town that the walk travels through. Because of the current heat wave in the Netherlands, the start time was moved to 4am. Despite the scorching heat reaching into the high 90s, the ATS Team rallied and completed 50 k under the required time limit and advanced to participate in day two of the event.

On their travels, the ATS Team made acquaintances with a group from the US Military. Walking proudly beside each other, the ATS Team and US Soldiers swapped stories and shared the same excitement to be walking in representation of the United States. The Four Days Marches was originally a military marching event in the early part of the century, and members of military personnel from all over the world still participate to represent their country.

“At ATS, we believe that we have an environmental responsibility to our employees, customers and the general public”, said Dr. Kaveh Azar, President/CEO of ATS, “but our commitment also extends to support international humanitarian efforts”. To this end, for every kilometer walked in the Four Days Marches, ATS will donate money to UNICEF, supporting the belief that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress.
You can still be part of the donating team by visiting the ATS Unicef Donation Page

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