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Latest Qpedia has a new look!

As Qpedia is now in its 9th year of publication, we decided to give it a new look! We are pleased to release the new issue, showing off the fresh design. Download the issue.

Qpedia | Issue 94 cover


Improving Fin Efficiency with Thermosyphons

In electronics cooling applications, the heat sink geometry is typically decided by card-to-card spacing, resulting in height restrictions and therefore high fin efficiencies in the range of 80-90%. Because of this, fin efficiency has yet to be fully explored. This article will discuss the use of thermosyphons as one method for improving fin efficiency and improving the heat sink’s thermal performance.

Heat Flux Measurement for Zhaga Standardized LED Light Engines

The Zhaga consortium, a worldwide organization, aims to standardize LED light engines. Standardization is essential when there is the need to ensure exchangeability of LED based Luminaires. Zhaga consortium is working to develop standard specifications for the various interfaces of LED light engines. A complete interface consists of the description of Mechanical, Optical, Electrical and Thermal specifications. In this article we will focus on one aspect that is covered in the thermal interface specification.

Industry Developments: Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are found in a variety of environments. In electronics cooling, the outward portion of a heat exchanger uses either ambient air or water in the cooling process. A heat exchanger can’t cool an enclosure or a device below the temperature of the air or water, so its vital to anticipate worst-case scenarios in order to ensure proper cooling. This article discusses air-to-air and liquid-to-air indoor and outdoor heat exchangers for a variety of electronics cooling applications.

Technology Review: Heat Pipes in Heat Exchangers

Qpedia reviews innovative technologies developed for electronics cooling applications. This section presents selected patents that were awarded to developers around the world to address cooling challenges. In this issue our spotlight is on application of heat pipes in heat exchangers and its application in the thermal management industry.

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First Qpedia of 2015 Released

The first Qpedia Thermal eMagazine of 2015 has just been released and can be downloaded at: http://www.qats.com/Qpedia-Thermal-eMagazine/Back-Issues


Featured articles in this month’s issue:

Modeling Vapor Chambers as a Heat Spreading Device in CFD

Despite the ongoing trend which demands higher power dissipation with smaller devices, the proper junction temperature must be maintained in order to meet performance and reliability requirements. This article discusses how vapor chambers can be modeled in CFD for effective spreading of the heat dissipation of a component which is smaller than a heat sink.

Application of TEC Using a Heat Exchanger for Sub-Ambient Liquid Cooling

Thermoelectric modules are a compact electronics cooling option for applications that require simple integration, quiet operation and acceptable reliability. Though sub-ambient temperatures can be achieved with the application of thermoelectric modules, they come with the limitation of heat flux resulting in lower coefficient of performance. This article examines how using a thermoelectric chiller can overcome a thermoelectric module’s limitation and be a beneficial electronics cooling method.

Industry Developments: Advanced Packaging Materials for Electronic Components and Systems

A number of high performance materials are now available for electronic housings and packages and provide advantages over traditional choices. Advanced composites are lighter, more weather resistant and have increased reliability and thermal performance. This article will review the latest advanced packaging materials that are available on the market and discuss the thermal management and electronics packaging benefits they hold.

Technology Review: Heat Exchangers Using Two-Phase Flow

In this issue our spotlight is on heat exchangers using two-phase flow. There is much discussion about its deployment in the electronics industry and these patents show some of the salient features that are the focus of different inventors.

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New Qpedia Issue Released


Qpedia Thermal eMagazine, Volume VIII, Issue VI , has just been released! Download the issue at qats.com

One of the focus articles this month revolve around optical transceivers. Optical transceivers, such as the Small Form Factor Pluggable Device, play an important role in today’s Telecom and Datacom industries by transmitting and receiving data to routers and switches through fiber-optic cables. A SFP’s performance and lifespan are dependent upon the ambient temperature of its operating environment and the thermal packaging of the device. The article “Thermal Modeling of Small Form Factor Pluggable Devices: Different Approaches” will review several thermal modeling techniques for Small Form Factor Pluggable Devices.

Other articles featured in this issue are:

  • Simple Analytical Calculations for Free Convection Cooled Electronic Enclosures
  • Industry Developments: Leak Detectors for Liquid Loop Systems
  • Technology Review: Cooling High Performance PCs
  • Cooling News: The latest product releases and news from around the electronics cooling industry

Download the full issue at qats.com.

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Theoretical Cooling Limit of a Thermosyphon

What is the Theoretical Cooling Limit of a Thermosyphon? The latest Qpedia Thermal eMagazine features an article discussing how to find the theoretical cooling limit for a thermosyphon using an analytical approach.

Passive, two phase liquid cooling schemes for thermal management of electronics rely on heat pipes and thermosyphons. Thermosyphons are passive cooling devices able to overcome the capillary limitation of heat pipes by using gravitationally induced buoyancy to drive the flow. There are several configurations in which thermosyphons can be deployed. This article reviews an analytical approach for finding the theoretical cooling limit for a thermosyphon with a flow boiling arrangement.

To read the full article, download the current issue of Qpedia

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Thermoelectric Cooler Optimization for Deployment in Electronics Thermal Management

The new issue of Qpedia Thermal eMagazine discusses “Thermoelectric Cooler Optimization for Deployment in Electronics Thermal Management“.

Qpedia Thermal eMagazine | February 2014

Qpedia Thermal eMagazine | February 2014

Thermoelectric coolers, (TECs), are solid state refrigeration devices which use DC currents to generate cooling or heating. Unlike traditional vapor-compression refrigeration systems, thermoelectric coolers don’t have moving parts or fluid circulating. Its simple structure and small size makes it a good choice for a thermal management device in electronics. However, the low coefficient of performance (COP) of TEC hampers its wide deployment. This paper discusses an optimized TEC cooling method, which keeps the high-power electronic component’s junction temperature inside an air-cooled chassis at the required temperature.

To read the article, download this month’s full Qpedia issue.

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