Tag Archives: thermal measurement

Next Webinar Shows How to Properly Measure and Analyze Temperatures in Electronic Systems

ATS WebinarsThe upcoming webinar “How to Perform and Understand Temperature Measurement in Electronic Systems” will be held this Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 2pm ET. The free, prerecorded technical presentation will deepen attendees understanding of the importance of temperature measurement in electronic systems. Attendees will learn about each of the instruments needed for measuring temperature and interpreting temperature data. Key locations will be identified where thermal testing should be conducted in order to obtain the most accurate and actionable results.

The webinar will be taught by Dr. Kaveh Azar, CEO of Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. Since 1985, Dr. Azar has been an active participant in the electronics thermal community and has served as the organizer, general chair and the keynote speaker at national and international conferences sponsored by ASME, IEEE and AIAA. In addition, he has been the recipient of the IEEE SEMITHERM Significant Contributor Award in the thermal management of electronics systems.

Dr. Kaveh Azar

Dr. Kaveh Azar

Dr. Azar has been an invitee to national bodies such as NSF, NIST and NEMI for organizing government and industry research goals in electronics cooling. He has also been an adjunct professor at a number of universities, including Northeastern University, and lectures worldwide in analytical and experimental methods in electronics cooling.

He holds more than 36 national and international patents, and has published more than 75 articles, 3 book chapters and a book entitled Thermal Measurements in Electronics Cooling. Dr. Azar has also served as the editor in chief of Electronics Cooling Magazine, the premier resource for practitioners in the field of electronics thermal management, from the publications founding in 1995 to 2006.


ATS Offers Arrow Customers a Half-Day of Free Access to its Thermal Characterization Lab


As part of the new distribution agreement between Arrow Electronics and Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., ATS is offering a half-day of free, no-obligation use of its unique Thermal Characterization Laboratory to Arrow customers. The Thermal Characterization Lab, located at ATS headquarters in Norwood, MA, allows engineers to perform thermal testing on heat sinks, fans and fan trays, PCBs, blades, enclosures, or complete systems. Experienced engineers, board and system designers can perform the tests themselves, or consult with an ATS thermal engineer at no cost during their 4 hours of laboratory time.

ATS’ Thermal Characterization Lab features a full range of research-quality instruments, including open and closed loop wind tunnels, for ambient and elevated temperature testing, all with PC-driven controls and automated data collection. The lab is also outfitted with a full array of the company’s sensor systems and thermocouples, which can be used to characterize electronic products under variable airflow and temperature conditions.

Liquid Crystal Thermography

In addition, the lab also features a JEDEC approved component thermal testing facility for conducting multitude of device level testing per JEDEC standards. The facility also provides a complete liquid crystal and IR thermography systems for non-invasive temperature mapping to 0.1oC with one micron-level spatial resolution; and a liquid cooling facility for complete testing and characterization of cold-plates, cooling effect and proof of concept testing.


“Most of today’s electronics have thermal situations that can turn into big problems if left alone. The easiest, lowest cost way to manage this is to conduct an accurate thermal characterization of the problem at hand,” said Kaveh Azar, Ph.D., President and CEO of Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. “If you have the right facility and associated know-how, you can often complete your test in a half-day, then you can readily assess what is the best thermal solution for your application. For engineers short on time and resources, we believe this free use of ATS’ Thermal Characterization Lab could be very helpful.”

Download the Brochure

To contact ATS for more information on this opportunity, please call 781-769-2800, email ats-hq@qats.com or visit www.qats.com.