Tag Archives: product design

ATS Offers Arrow Customers a Half-Day of Free Access to its Thermal Characterization Lab


As part of the new distribution agreement between Arrow Electronics and Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc., ATS is offering a half-day of free, no-obligation use of its unique Thermal Characterization Laboratory to Arrow customers. The Thermal Characterization Lab, located at ATS headquarters in Norwood, MA, allows engineers to perform thermal testing on heat sinks, fans and fan trays, PCBs, blades, enclosures, or complete systems. Experienced engineers, board and system designers can perform the tests themselves, or consult with an ATS thermal engineer at no cost during their 4 hours of laboratory time.

ATS’ Thermal Characterization Lab features a full range of research-quality instruments, including open and closed loop wind tunnels, for ambient and elevated temperature testing, all with PC-driven controls and automated data collection. The lab is also outfitted with a full array of the company’s sensor systems and thermocouples, which can be used to characterize electronic products under variable airflow and temperature conditions.

Liquid Crystal Thermography

In addition, the lab also features a JEDEC approved component thermal testing facility for conducting multitude of device level testing per JEDEC standards. The facility also provides a complete liquid crystal and IR thermography systems for non-invasive temperature mapping to 0.1oC with one micron-level spatial resolution; and a liquid cooling facility for complete testing and characterization of cold-plates, cooling effect and proof of concept testing.


“Most of today’s electronics have thermal situations that can turn into big problems if left alone. The easiest, lowest cost way to manage this is to conduct an accurate thermal characterization of the problem at hand,” said Kaveh Azar, Ph.D., President and CEO of Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. “If you have the right facility and associated know-how, you can often complete your test in a half-day, then you can readily assess what is the best thermal solution for your application. For engineers short on time and resources, we believe this free use of ATS’ Thermal Characterization Lab could be very helpful.”

Download the Brochure

To contact ATS for more information on this opportunity, please call 781-769-2800, email ats-hq@qats.com or visit www.qats.com.

New Consulting Project Subscription Plan

ATS has released a Consulting Project Subscription Plan (CPSP) for engineering services. From our corporate headquarters in Norwood, Massachusetts,we offers comprehensive thermal management analysis and design services for the telecommunications, medical, military, defense, aerospace, automotive, and embedded computing industries. The new plan allows ATS engineers to become an extension of your team for a pre-determined amount of hours, providing expert thermal and mechanical engineering consultation, design, simulation, testing and validation.

ATS Design Services

Services include Design, Simulation, Testing, Analysis & Prototyping

The CPSP includes the use of ATS thermal lab facilities and covers all projects approved by an authorized representative of subscribed customers. ATS thermal management analysis and design services encompass both experimental and computational simulations using proprietary tools and computational fluid dynamics software packages such as FLOTHERM and CFdesign.

Thermal Testing & Analysis

Thermal Testing & Analysis

The new subscription plan gives customers priority access to ATS engineering and manufacturing resources for all chip, board, enclosure, and system related projects. ATS studies the full packaging domain, including components, circuit boards (PCBs), shelves, chassis, and system packaging.

Consulting capabilities include:

– heat sink, board and fan characterization

– heat sink design and optimization

– PCB & fan tray design and optimization

– liquid cooling design

– prototyping of heat sinks and complete cooling systems

– wind tunnel testing of components, PCBs, chassis and enclosures

ATS offers rapid prototyping of machined parts and cooling systems from its US facilities. Sheet metal fabrication and cut heat sink prototypes are quickly provided from international partners.

Liquid Crystal Thermography

Liquid Crystal Thermography

ATS believes that customers who wish to remain competitive should consider a design-to-suit opportunity solution first. Contrary to common perception, this proves to be less expensive to the customer in the long run, because of the ensuing gain in product efficiency and compatibility. Working side-by-side with customers worldwide, ATS engineers provide tailored solutions to thermal and mechanical packaging challenges on real projects with real schedules.

To learn more about the consulting project subscription plan, call 781-769-2800, email ats-hq@qats.com, or visit www.qats.com.

The New iFLOW-200 Tests and Measures the Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of Cold Plates

Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc. (ATS) has released a new thermal test instrument, the iFLOW-200, which assesses the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of cold plates in electronics cooling. It can be used to simulate a wide range of conditions to optimize a cold plate’s performance before it is commercialized or prior to its use in an actual application.


The iFLOW-200 measures coolant temperatures from 0-70°C with the high accuracy of ± 1°C. Differential pressure of the coolant in the cold plate is measured up to 103,000 Pa (15 psi), with the precise accuracy of ± 1%. Distilled water is used as the reference coolant. For test comparisons, the systems coolingVIEW software can also calculate thermal resistance and pressure drop as a function of flow rate for selected liquids.


The instrument system includes a pair of K-type thermocouples for measuring temperature changes on the cold plate surface. Temperatures are monitored on the coolingVIEW interface.


The iFLOW-200 system features easy set up and operation to save time when evaluating different cold plate models. Designed for accuracy and convenience, the iFLOW-200 simply requires setting the starting and ending coolant flow rates, and choosing the dwell time, pumping power and other parameters. These are easily done on any PC using the systemd user-friendly application program.

The iFLOW-200 system features separate controller and hydraulics enclosures with USB connections. The hydraulic package includes a fluid level indicator, coolant inlets and outlets from/to the cold plate under test, ports for surface temperature thermocouples, and a fluid cooling system for its internal heat exchanger. The iFLOW-200 is also ideal for testing alternative liquids.


More information about the iFLOW-200 Cold Plate Characterization System can be found at http://www.qats.com/Products/Temperature-and-Velocity-Measurement/Instruments/iFLOW-200