Category Archives: Heat Sink Material

ATS Webinar Archive On Best Heat Sink Materials

We’ve seen a lot of search activity here at ATS’s Electronics Cooling blog for “best heat sink material”. As our reader’s have seen, we have quite a bit of excellent material on that topic and we have a webinar in our archives you might like as well.

Heat Sink Materials: Choices and Tradeoffs is a presentation on heat sink materials, particularly advanced ones, that our readers should listen to as well.  It’s an informative presentation given by a colleague of Dr. Kaveh Azar’s, Dr. Carl Zweben. You’ll be very glad you listened.

Best of all, the cost is free, and part of ATS’s continued drive to support the thermal engineering community.

But, if our information is not quite enough to help you, contact us and let’s see how ATS thermal engineers can make your next project a success! Email us at , call us at 781-769-2800 or visit our Design Services

RECAP: Heat Sink Materials; Choices and Tradeoffs Webinar

We had a great group for our thermal webinar, “Heat Sink Materials: Choices and Tradeoffs” we just held on Thursday3/24. We wanted to highlight some key points from our webinar. We’ll soon have it up in our Webinar archives for you to view at your convenience. First, we want to thank Dr. Carl Zweben for his time and knowledge in sharing on this important topic.

So, what are a few new, cutting edge, facts you should know on advanced materials?

  • Many engineers only know two materials: copper and aluminum but there are many other choices that should also be part of your solution set
  • There are three basic types of Advanced Thermal Management Materials:
    • Monolithic carbonaceous materials
    • Composite materials
    • Metal/metal alloys-composites
  • Some Advanced Thermal Management materials are cheaper than copper: Al/SiC has a type that is more efficient than copper and less expensive; Some Al/SiC are 1/3 the weight and 10x the thermal conductivity of “Kovar”
  • Curtiss-Wright CoolWall Technology utilizes a mixture of CoolWall utilizes a mixture of metallic composites to deliver enhanced thermal performance. It has the thermal conductivity ~ 3x aluminum at ~10% less weight
  • Advance reinforcement thermal interface material (TIM) have the greatest potential to improving the thermal resistance of TIM. Some types include TIM based on: Carbon nan0fiber, Carbon nanotubes, and Natural graphite
  • Natural graphite heat spreaders can be made super thin for notebook computer, tablets and other devices of similar geometries.The Sony VAIO PCG-X505/S-P Extreme utilizes the Natural Graphite Spreadershield for such an application
  • Advanced Materials can be cost effective if your only other alternative is costly already, though more “mainstream”. A good example is the Apple Power Mac G5. The liquid cooling costs $100 plus labor alone.Could an advanced material have done the job as reliably at cost par while removing the risk of using liquid?

There’s much more in the presentation and we’ll have it loaded onto our ATS thermal management webinar archives for you this week!

What Advanced Materials Can You Use for a Heat Sink? ATS’s 3/24 Webinar Shows Your Options

Don’t miss ATS’s latest webinar, on Thursday March 24th, Heat Sink Materials, Choices and Tradeoffs. It’s free, and is led by Dr. Carl Zweben, a leading authority in advanced materials for electronics cooling.

We’ve talked about heat sink materials before here at ATS’s electronics cooling blog. In fact, our archives feature a great set of links and information on the topic of material choices for heat sinks.

Material choices for heat sinks is not a trivial matter of choosing copper over aluminum or the reverse even. In a paper ATS published in 2006, we didn’t find graphite all that much better than copper or aluminum.

But there are many new materials now on the market and, as companies are working hard to stay away from liquid cooling, the cost and performance of advanced materials is being seen as a truly viable approach. So join ATS at our webinar, as led by Dr. Carl Zweben, on Thursday, March 24th, “Heat Sink Materials, Choices and Tradeoffs“.

Advanced Thermal Materials for Heat Exchangers Presentation by Carl Zweben, PhD

Dr. Carl Zweben PhD made a presentation on Advanced Thermal Materials for Heat Exchangers at the International Heat Transfer Conference in August, 2010. Among the topics covered are:

  • The advantages of polymers in HXs
  • The increasing number of advanced thermal materials with much higher thermal conductivities than polymers
  • What are the key applications driving thermal material development?

You can get a copy of his slides by clicking to:

How to increase a heat sinks surface area without increasing its size using microscopic texturing (part 2 of 2)

In part 1 of our 2 part series, “How to increase a heat sinks surface area without increasing its size using microscopic texturing” we covered what this technology is, options to apply, and under what conditions it is effective. In part 2 we’ll cover accurate surface texture characterization.

Accurate surface texture characterization is often needed to control and fine tune the texturing process. Surface texture is not a measurable quantity but it is possible to measure some of its intrinsic characteristics and parameters. These parameters have been developed based on data obtained using a stylus-based instrument. This device, known as 3D Surface Profilers, uses a diamond-tipped stylus to detect minute surface variations and topology. The stylus is mechanically couples to an LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer). The sample is precisely guided underneath the stylus while the stylus rides over the surface, detecting roughness variations as small as ten angstroms in height [7]. The LVDT produces an analog signal in response to the stylus movement. This signal is then sent to a computer data acquisition system where the signal is amplified, digitized and analyzed.

The main parameters of a texture surface are waviness and roughness. These parameters are repetitive and random irregularities from the normal surface that forms the three dimensional topography of the surface. The spacing of these irregularities is what differentiates waviness from roughness. Two or more spacings between irregularities will cause a wavy surface. However, as the space between them decreases excessively, the resulting surface would become flat but rough. A typical surface exhibits roughness superimposed over waviness [7]. A sophisticated Profiler implements advanced high and low pass filters in order to measure each parameter separately while filtering out the other.

The one parameter that is standardized all over the world and is specified and measured far more frequently than any other is the arithmetic average roughness height, or roughness average, designated by Ra. It is defined as the arithmetic mean of the departures of the profile from the mean line. An approximation of the average roughness, Ra is obtained by adding the Y values without regard to sign and dividing the sum by the number of the samples. Ra is used to detect general deviation in overall profile height but it is incapable of detecting differences in spacing and its distribution [7].

Advanced Thermal Solutions Roughness AverageRoughness Average, Ra Is Sum Total Of The Maximum Valley
And Maximum Peak Of Roughness [7].

Another parameter that is often used in analysis of a texture surface is the root-mean-square average of the departures of the roughness profile from the mean line. This is known as RMS and designated by Rq. RMS or Rq has statistical significance because it represents the standard deviation of the profile heights and it is used in the more complex analysis of skewness, the measure of symmetry of a profile about the mean line [7].

Advanced Thermal Solutions value of roughnessRMS Value of Roughness [7].

A well equipped Profiler system includes both the Ra and Rq standard analytical functions as well as other widely used parameters to analyze surface roughness and waviness. Contrary to general beliefs radiation heat transfer could be as important as convection heat transfer in electronics cooling, especially in natural convection and low-airflow applications. To further enhance radiation, surface treatments such as surface anodize and surface texturing is a viable option that could increase effective surface area and increases surface emissivity. Surface Anodize also has the advantage of corrosion and wear resistance and it also electrically isolates the cooling components from the electrically charged electronics.


  1. Radiation Heat Transfer and Surface Area Treatment ,Qpedia Thermal eMagazine, June 2008.
  2. Edwards, J., Coating and Surface Treatment Systems for Metals, Finishing Publications Ltd. and ASM International, 1997.
  3. Aluminum Anodizer Council Web Forum,
  4. Gustavsen, A., Berdahl, P. Spectral Emissivity Of Anodized Aluminum And Thermal Transmittance Of Aluminum Windows Frames, Nordic Jounnal Of Building Physics, Vol.3, 2003.
  5. Ozisik Necati, M., Heat Transfer A Basic Approach, McGraw Hill, 1985.
  6. Highly Emissive Ion Beam Textured Surfaces For Improved Cooling Of Electronic Devices, Electronics Cooling Magazine, September 1997.
  7. Chi, T. , Ballinger, R., Olds, R., Zecchino, M., Surface Texture analysis using Dektak Stylus Profilers, Veeco Instrument Inc.