ATS Products
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Vapor Chamber

The ATS family of Aluminum vapor chambers is the largest and broadest set of off the shelf vapor chambers available today. From 25x25mm (1x1in) to 250x250mm (9.8x9.8in), and thicknesses of less than 1mm to 6mm to meet a wide variety of thermal management applications. Made in the USA or Asia, the vapor chambers are also available in Copper and Titanium.

Features & Benefits
  • Allows for near isothermal heat transfer, i.e., low △T across large surface area.
  • No moving parts to transport the fluid since the capillary and phase change create the forces required for fluid motion.
  • No external devices such as power supply, controller, valves, etc. to regulate the fluid flow.
  • Customizable geometry.
  • Customizable working fluid, supporting a large temperature range.
  • Formed and shaped to fit the application.
  • Vapor chambers can be manufacturer in Aluminum, Copper and Titanium
Product and How To Videos
Product Details
Part Number Lifecycle
Vapor Chambers Dimension (mm) Fluid
Weight (g)
Length Width Height
ATS-VC-047-C1-R0 ACTIVE 200.0 90.0 4.0 Acetone Groove Aluminum 118
Complete Your Liquid Loop with ATS

ATS has the products needed to design a complete liquid cooling loop : iCDMs (Industrial Cooling Distribution Modules), Tubed and High Performance Cold Plates to transfer and remove the heat from the source; Heat Exchangers to transfer heat from the liquid to the air with or without a fan; Chillers to circulate and condition the fluid in the system, Compact Refrigeration Modules for very high capacity cooling. In addition , ATS offers Flow Meters to measure the volumetric flow rate of the fluid in the system and Leak Detectors to notify users of any leaks in the system.